You can have different settings depending on username, user agent, and media query. You can use any combination as well.
- user: A user or a comma seperated list of multiple users. This is the Home Assistant user's name, not username (if they're different). You can look to the bottom of the CCH editor or in the HA user list to see which to use. This option is case sensitive.
- user_agent: A matching word or phrase from the devices user agent. You can find this at the bottom of the CCH settings or by googling "what's my user agent" on the device in question. This option is case sensitive, enclose in quotes if including special characters and not using editor..
- media_query: A valid CSS media query. Enclose in quotes if not using editor.
- query_string: A matching sting following a question mark appended to the end of the URL. (e.g.
Under exceptions set your conditions and then set up their config below that. If a config item is left out of an exception's config the main config's value is used.
menu: overflow
options: clock
voice: hide
clock_format: 12
- conditions:
user: maykar
voice: show
options: clock
clock_format: 24
- conditions:
user: maykar, bramkragten, Ludeeus
user_agent: Mobile
media_query: "(max-width: 600px)"
options: clock
clock_format: 12
hide_tabs: 4,5,9
- conditions:
query_string: kiosk
kiosk_mode: true